
Showing posts from December, 2017

Bakery Business Ideas

Bakery Business Ideas by Thea Theresa English ; Updated September 26, 2017 When developing ideas for your bakery business, you want a concept that's both unique and still viable for potential customers in your community. If you need ideas, talk with friends and relatives who visit bakeries often, and ask them what kinds of products they would like to see more of in the local bakeries. Also research your business idea by reading some trade journals that pertain to the baking industry, such as Baking Business, Baking Management Magazine and Baking Buyer. Savory Cakes and Cookies Most cakes and cookies are sweet, but you can add diversity to these treats by opening a bakery business that specializes in savory cakes or cookies. For example, you can include black pepper-balsamic vinegar cookies; roasted tomato, mozzarella and thyme cupcakes; and chile pepper and cheddar cookies. Online Cookbook Store If you collect cookbooks about baking, you can turn this hobby into a pro

6 Popular Styles of Business Names

6 Popular Styles of Business Names Share Stephen Brashear / Stringer / Getty Images By  Alyssa Gregory Updated June 28, 2017 Every small business owner wants their business name to resonate with their target audience, be memorable and catchy, and help establish the company's brand. That can create a lot of pressure to come up with the  perfect business name . While there are many different  business naming best practices , the business naming process and the end result can have some universal similarities. There are hundreds of styles and trends in business names, but six rise to the top as the most common business name styles. Consider these popular styles as you decide what name is right for your business. 1. Different or Made Up A unique business name can have the power to be more memorable than its everyday counterparts. This category of business names includes words that are made up, are not frequently used, or have special meanings. If your business name is in thi

Ad Formats

Ad formats Bring your brand story to life With Pinterest’s innovative ad formats, you can help Pinners find useful, everyday ideas while building branding equity in the process. Promoted Pins You can pay to promote any Pin you create so it’s seen by more people. Any business with  access to the Pinterest Ads Manager can buy this standard ad format to support all of your marketing goals, including awareness, engagement and traffic. In Promoted Video Pins When you want to capture the attention of your audience and engage their imagination, use an eye-catching video to promote on Pinterest. Promoted Videos are popular with Pinners and give advertisers a compelling way to connect with more customers than ever before. Learn more One-tap Pins With just one tap, these Pins take people straight to the source where the content originated from. This makes it simple for Pinners to do more—like learn about your product and complete a purchase—right on your business site. One-tap Pro

Instagram Ads: The Complete Guide for Business

Instagram Ads: The Complete Guide for Business By  Sydney Parker 12 MAY 2017 SOCIAL HootSuite   Twitter   Facebook   LinkedIn   Google + Image via  Wokandapix  under  CC0 1.0 According to a  Pew Research study , 55 percent of all 18- to 29-year-olds in the United States are using Instagram. That’s a whole generation of people viewing the world through sepia-filtered glasses. Companies who can harness the power of that platform to share what’s great about their business stand to grow their presence and profit among millennials considerably. One of the best ways a business can make use of the photo-sharing platform is to invest in Instagram ads. Advertisers of all sizes are seeing fantastic results. From driving mass awareness, to increasing website sales and mobile app downloads, Instagram offers limitless possibilities for the creative marketer. Why advertise on Instagram? Instagram ads have proven to be an effective means for generating new business. A report from market res

What Are The Different Types Of Instagram Ads?

What Are The Different Types Of Instagram Ads? Instagram ads – it all started with the display of a single filtered image and quickly turned into not only building a brand but also, a business. Like parent like child, Instagram ads are resembling more and more of what Facebook ads are like. As Instagram ads are quickly evolving, businesses now have the option to not only increase brand awareness but to also, increase website visits and offline sales. Picture Ad This ad format is what launched the world of Instagram ads. Advertisers have the option to create sponsored posts featuring a product or service they offer. They also have the option to include calls to action that leads to the appropriate page on the business’ website. These could include phrases such as “shop now”, “install now”, “sign up”, “learn more”, etc. What’s awesome about the Instagram picture ads is that the option is open to all advertisers. Image Source Instagram’s Multi-Photo Carousel Ads With Instagram’s