
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Ultimate Product  Launch Checklist [Infographic]

The Ultimate Product  Launch Checklist [Infographic] Are you really ready to launch your product? Let's see ... By Larry Kim Founder and CTO, WordStream @larrykim Getting ready to go to market is a crazy, exciting, and stressful time. You're probably pretty stoked, but almost certainly sleep-deprived and second-guessing yourself. Are you really ready to launch your product? I mean, this is your  baby . As your launch approaches, it may feel as though you've waited your entire life for this moment. All of your hard work, the sacrifices you've made for your startup, and the wicked-long hours you've put in--it's all about to pay off! Well, unless you screw it up. Ah, yes ... there's that little voice of self-doubt, nagging away over your shoulder, causing you to rethink the whole thing. What if we're forgetting something? What if we're not ready? What if we're just not good enough? You're not alone: I think pretty well every


THE 8 PS OF SERVICES MARKETING MARCH 20, 2011   KAR Services are radically different from products and need to be marketed very differently. So the classical 4 P structure of the Marketing Mix needs to be modified suitably to incorporate the 8 Ps for services marketing, which was previously known as the 7 Ps only. Services can range from financial services provided by the banks to technology services provided by the IT company or hospitality services provided by hotels and restaurants or even a blog where an author provides a service (information presentation, interesting reading etc) to his audience. Services marketing are dominated by the 7 Ps of marketing namely  Product, Price,  Place, Promotion, People, Process  and  Physical evidence . To know more in details about the classical 7 Ps of services marketing do visit our article on  The 7 Ps of services marketing While everyone knows about the 7 Ps of services marketing, the  8th P of Services Marketing  has emerged in resea

Seven Ps In Marketing

7 Ps สำหรับ สินค้าบริการ การตลาดสำหรับสินค้าที่เป็นงานบริการนั้น มีความแตกต่างจากสินค้า. So ดังนั้นแนวคิดทางการตลาดจึวต้องมีการปรับเปลี่ยน the marketing concepts need to be revisited while marketing a service. Services can range from financial services provided by the banks, technology services provided by the IT company, food and ambiance as a service provided by restaurants or even a blog where an author provides a service (information presentation, interesting reading etc) to his audience. Services marketing are dominated by the  7 Ps of marketing  namely  Product, Price,  Place, Promotion, People, Process  and  Physical evidence . The 7 P framework is one of the most popular framework for deciding a marketing strategy, right from strategy formulation to actual implementation. The following form the marketing mix for services marketing, the first 4 P’s being the core and the next 3 P’s being the extended marketing mix. Product  is your core offering.This is “the thing” tha

50 Baking Business Ideas

50 Baking Business Ideas Last Updated: May 5, 2018 by Annie Pilon  In  Startup   3 461 Shares 161 114 50 Print This Article 125 102 10 Email this Article If you enjoy baking, there’s a huge customer base of those who love baked goods out there.  That means there are plenty of opportunities out there for entrepreneurs to build businesses around baking. Here are 50 different baking business ideas you can use to showcase your talents as a baker. Baking Business Ideas Bakery If you want to start your own baking business, the most obvious choice would be to open a bakery where you can sell a variety of different creations. Home Baking Business Where permitted, you can also start a baking business where you simply make the items in your  home kitchen  and then sell them online or to local bake shops. Online Treat Sales  Sites like Etsy allow you to sell cookies and other specialty baked goods from an  online shop . Then you can ship those items directly to your custo

Small Business Marketing

Small Business Marketing Marketing  is the process of interesting potential  customers  and  clients  in your products and/or services and persuading them to choose them over those of your competitors. The key word in this marketing definition is "process". Marketing involves researching, promoting,  selling , and distributing your products or services ( the four P’s of marketing  — Product, Price, Promotion, and Place). It's a huge topic, which is why there are tomes written on marketing, and why you can take a four-year marketing degree. Whether you’re running a large corporation or a small business, marketing involves everything you do to get your potential customers and your product or service together. The purpose of marketing is to drive sales. Good marketing can get potential customers through the door or onto the website and even put a product into a potential customer’s hands, but it’s not successful marketing until the customer has bought it.

Why You Should Focus Your Marketing Efforts On Mobile Ads and Social Media

Written by: Anthony Hanks December 15, 2017 Why You Should Focus Your Marketing Efforts On Mobile Ads and Social Media Digital Marketing image: If you are a professional in today’s marketing industry, there’s a good chance you and your team have spent some time studying social media and mobile advertising. It’s for good reason too. Social media platforms and mobile advertising are a perfect combination that results in a higher return on investment than many other marketing efforts. There are at least  10 new mobile phones  expected to hit the market in the next six months. If it wasn’t already obvious, mobile phones have become a vital component of daily life. Research shows that  77 percent of Americans own a mobile phone . If you think about it, that means that in America alone almost  249 million people  are walking around with a per

Online Ads: A Guide to Online Ad Types and Formats

Online Ads: A Guide to Online Ad Types and Formats Online ads have become a daily part of internet life. For new marketers, it can be confusing getting a grasp on the scope and variety of online ads available. We've compiled a thorough list to help catagorize and explain each form of online ads present on the web. Enjoy! Google Search Ads AdWords Ads PPC Ads Bing Ads Facebook Ads Twitter Ads Tumblr Ads Banner Ads Google Display Ads Retargeting Ads Reddit Ads Mobile Ads In-Game Ads AdMob Ads Email Ads Gmail Ads Video Ads YouTube Ads Pinterest Ads Instagram Ads Vine Ads TV Ads Newspaper Ads Radio Ads Urban Ads Google Search Ads Google search ads are online ads that appear alongside the search engine result page when users search a keyword query on Google. These ads are PPC, or pay-per-click ads, in which advertisers pay for each ad click. Google’s PPC search ads are managed by Google’s AdWords advertising platform, which allows advertisers to bid on keywo