
Showing posts from August, 2018

The 40 Top Small Business Ideas You Need to Know in 2018

The 40 Top Small Business Ideas You Need to Know in 2018 APRIL 28, 2018 Meredith Wood They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder—and, as it turns out, the same can be said for the best small business ideas. There are tons of small business ideas, and what defines a “best” small business idea largely depends on an aspiring entrepreneur’s personality and skillset (and its potential to earn you money, of course). So, when you’re considering the best ideas for your future small business, you’ll need to answer a few clarifying questions, including: What are your interests? Where is there a need in the market, and how can your skills satisfy that need? Who is your ideal client? What is your ideal work environment? Your answers to these questions should point you in the direction of a certain industry. But if you’re not quite ready to dive into self-reflection—or if you’re curious about expanding your horizons—take a look at this list of 2018’s 40 best small business ideas. Thes

13 Examples of Creative Industries

13 Examples of Creative Industries         posted by  John Spacey , September 24, 2017 Creative industries  are  business models  that depend on  creativity where creativity is work of unusual value. In other words, it is an industry where work can be a dramatic success or failure based on your creative output. This differs from regular industries where products have steady and predictable value. The following are common types of creative industry. Art Art such as painting and sculpture. Performance Art Performance art such as dance and theater. Crafts Handcrafted items  produced by a skilled artisan. Music Composition and performance of music. Film & Entertainment Production of movies, documentaries and television. Advertising & Promotion Marketing communications  such as a promotional music video. Design Design  including visual design, user interface design, product design and interior design. Fashion The  fashion industry  relies on creative output

12 Types of Media Industry

12 Types of Media Industry         posted by  John Spacey , September 07, 2017 The  media industry  is a  business model  based on communicating information, art and entertainment to a large audience. The following are common types of media industry. Publishing Publishing books, magazines, newspapers, comics, references, blogs and research in both paper and digital formats. Video Games Video games and  media  in virtual environments. Video & Animation Broadcast television, video productions and animation. Audio Broadcast radio and audio productions such as podcasts. Streaming Media Digital access to media on demand. Film Production and distribution of movies, documentaries and other films such as music videos. Music Production, distribution and performance of music. Social Media Digital communities that allow individuals to communicate, share and produce  media . Interactive Media Media that has a  user interface  such as an  app , software a

25 Examples of a Service Industry

    top    »   industries    »   service industry 25 Examples of a Service Industry         posted by  John Spacey , May 11, 2018 A  service industry  is any industry that produces value is that primarily intangible such as customer service, management, advice,  knowledge , design, data and experiences. Advanced economies are experiencing a long term shift whereby service industries are becoming a larger component of economic output relative to other industries such as manufacturing  and agriculture. The following are common examples of service industries. Information Technology Information technology  is shifting away from products such as packaged software towards services such as software as a service . Hospitality Any service that hosts guests such as a hotel, restaurant or pub. Travel Travel services such as a flight or tour. Transportation Daily transportation services such as a train. Media Media  such as a newspaper, blog or video. Entertainment Entertainment

10+ Types of Industries

top    »   industries 10+ Types of Industry         posted by  John Spacey , April 19, 2016 updated on February 21, 2017 An  industry  is a sector of the economy that offers a distinct type of value. This can include products and services as well as other types of value such as infrastructure, art and knowledge. The following are examples of large industries. Advertising Creative Industries Education Farming Fashion Finance Information Technology Infrastructure Manufacturing Media Retail Robotics Service Industry Space Telecom  

Complete List of Industries

Complete List of Industries   Options ‎06-13-2012 10:23 AM Below you will find a complete list of all Industries (I think). I created it so that updating company industries would be easier for me to look up look up. Hope you can use it as well.   Just copy and paste into a word document. I have it in two columns.... only two pages long   Agriculture and Mining Farming and Ranching Fishing, Hunting and Forestry and Logging Mining and Quarrying Agriculture & Mining Other Business Services Accounting and Tax Preparation Advertising, Marketing and PR Data and Records Management Facilities Management and Maintenance HR and Recruiting Services Legal Services Management Consulting Payroll Services Sales Services Security Services Business Services Other Computer and Electronics Audio, Video and Photography Computers, Parts and Repair Consumer Electronics, Parts and Repair IT and Network Services and Support Instruments and Controls Network Security Products

Home Business Ideas That Really Pay

Home Business Ideas That Really Pay ••• Giant List of Over 80 Home Business Ideas Share Flip Pin Email BY MINDY LILYQUIST   Updated December 11, 2017 With the ups and downs of the economy, the slicing of employer benefits, and the crazy pace of life, many people are deciding to take control of their careers and income through a home business. While once a pie-in-the sky idea, today, home businesses are the reality for millions. It's easier and more affordable than ever to build a home-based career. That doesn't mean profits will be automatic or easy to achieve. But if you have the desire, a plan, and a willingness to do the work, you can be a successful home-based entrepreneur.  Starting a Home Business The first step in home business success is in figuring out what business to run. Too many people focus on fast profits over choosing the right idea. While the goal is to make money, to base your decision solely on profit potential and ignoring yo

The Best Home Based Business Ideas for Stay at Home Moms & Dads

The Best Home Based Business Ideas for Stay at Home Moms & Dads ••• Want to Work at Home? Start One of These Home Based Businesses Share Flip Pin Email BY  SUSAN WARD   Updated March 18, 2018 Here are my picks for the best home based business ideas for moms and dads who want to  start home-based businesses . Lots of home-based businesses will keep you working away from home just as much as any full-time job, but if you start one of these small businesses, you’ll be able to actually work at home rather than just using home as your home base. The advantages of  working at home  are obvious to anyone, but as a parent, they’re especially compelling. If you have to work, being able to work at home makes it possible for you to be there for your kids. Unfortunately, few workplaces offer full-time  telecommuting , so if you want to be a stay-at-home parent, starting a business of your own is your best option. ( Read all about the advantages of starting your

The Best Drone Business Ideas

The Best Drone Business Ideas ••• These Best Drone Business Ideas Are Great for Techie Entrepreneurs Share Flip Pin Email BY  SUSAN WARD   Updated March 17, 2018 Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) , have exploded in popularity in the past few years. For the 12 month period ending in April 2016, drone sales grew 224 percent from the previous year period to nearly $200 million, according to a ​ report from retail research firm the NPD group . Drones are rapidly becoming an indispensable tool in a variety of industries. This article presents some of the best drone business ideas to take advantage of the trend. As with most other tech devices,  competition in the marketplace continues to drive down drone prices and rapidly advance the technology. Affordable  drones  now exist that include features such as: 4K cameras that can take high-resolution images and video Built in GPS and autopilot, enabling the drone to fly pre-programmed routes