
Showing posts from September, 2018

Online Business Training for Small Business Owners

Online Business Training for Small Business Owners Share Flip Pin Email BY  ALYSSA GREGORY   Updated May 21, 2018 It can be difficult to find the right online  business training  program, especially when you have to invest a significant amount of money into the program in order to see what it's all about. Free  online business training programs are a great way to see what's available, explore various learning formats, and get your feet wet in online training before investing money in a paid program. Here are five free online business training sites that not only provide an introduction to online programs but also offer a depth of information that can be invaluable to any business owner. 01   SBA Online Small Business Training JGI/Tom Grill / Blend Images / Getty Images The  Small Business Administration  has a series of self-paced, easy-to-use courses that cover a variety of business basics. Each course takes about 30 minutes to complete, and many of t

32 Ecommerce Tools to Take Your Retail Business Online

32 Ecommerce Tools to Take Your Retail Business Online ••• Share Flip Pin Email BY  ALYSSA GREGORY   Updated August 31, 2017 Despite the fact that it seems like every store has an ecommerce component these days, there is still a market for many types of businesses to begin selling their products online. In fact, only  17 percent of small businesses  have attempted to create an online ecommerce store. This presents a tremendous opportunity for small businesses to expand their reach, especially when you consider that by 2019, it is estimated that there will be  224 million digital shoppers  in the United States. If you are thinking about adding an online store to expand your retail experience, this list of tools will help you find what you need to get your online store up and running quickly and cost effectively. Domain Name Tools The first step for most online stores is  finding the right domain name . A good domain name should support your brand, be as short

Market Research 101: Data Analysis

Market Research 101: Data Analysis ••• An Overview of Market Research in Data Analysis Share Flip Pin Email BY  GIGI DEVAULT   Updated September 18, 2018 Data analysis in a  market research  project is the stage when qualitative data, quantitative data, or a mixture of both, is brought together and scrutinized in order to draw conclusions based on the data. The market research process consists of six steps. They are as follows: Step 1  - Articulate the research  problem and objectives : Market research begins with a definition of the problem to be solved or the question to be answered. Typically, there are several alternative approaches that can be used to conduct the market research. Step 2  - Develop the overall  research plan : The task of this stage is to determine the most efficacious way to collect the necessary information.   Step 3  – Collect the  data  or information:  At this point, you have to consider how you're going to obtain the informatio

Save Money When Buying Essential Office Supplies

Save Money When Buying Essential Office Supplies ••• Share Flip Pin Email BY  SHAHIRA RAINERI   Updated May 09, 2018 Compared to office furniture and equipment,  office supplies  may seem like a minor expense. The major difference is that major purchases such as furniture and equipment tend to be a one time buy, whereas, office supplies are used every day, and they must be replenished on a regular basis. If you do not manage and control your office supply expenditures, these expenses can obliterate any  well-structured budget . Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to control how much you  spend on office supplies  so that you can stay within the budget. And buying in bulk, especially if you have the storage space is always a smart way to go. Many of the once brick and mortar only office supply chains such as Staples /Office Depot and Office Max now offer the ability to purchase online and often with free shipping. Here are some strategies to consi

Factors to Consider in Selecting a Business Type

Factors to Consider in Selecting a Business Type ••• Startup, Liability, Continuity, Taxes, Transfer, Profit/Loss Share Flip Pin Email BY  JEAN MURRAY   Updated June 16, 2018 You are ready to start a business and you want to select a business type. Use this list of factors to narrow down those that are important now and that may be important later. For example, the cost of startup is important now, but tax may be important later. Understanding the factors you consider most important will help you select a business type. Sole Proprietorship One owner.  If you are starting a business with more than one person, you will need to form a  partnership . Complexity/Cost of Startup.  You don't need to register your business with your state or prepare bylaws or operating agreements, but you will need to get a local  business license. Company legal record keeping/reporting complexity . No company records are needed, like an annual report or minutes of mee

These Free Marketing Tools Will Help Grow Your Home Business

These Free Marketing Tools Will Help Grow Your Home Business  ••• Free Tools and Resources to Market Your Business Share Flip Pin Email BY  LESLIE TRUEX   Updated July 19, 2017 Technology has made starting and growing a home business easier and more affordable than ever. One of the biggest impacts is the plethora of  free and low cost marketing  tools. Gone are the days of expensive print or online banner ads. Now you can find and reach your market using a host of free tools and resources, such as those listed below. 1. Social Media Social media is one of the best ways to promote your business and engage with your market for free. The problem is that managing even one social media platform is time consuming. Managing multiple accounts is nearly impossible. Fortunately, there are tools to assist in scheduling posts, as well as keeping up with what’s going on with your social feeds. Buffer Buffer offers both free and paid plans for social media management. U

Top Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Business

Top Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Business ••• Share Flip Pin Email BY  LAURA LAKE   Updated August 30, 2018 A  digital marketing strategy  is an important part of the overall  marketing strategy  of a business. This is true whether or not a company is doing business online. It is also true for a small, medium or large size company but especially true for a small company. Small business marketing for a local company can include many offline local advertising methods but needs to include a healthy portion of digital marketing strategies to be successful and maximize sales in today's economy. A small business that is doing most or all of its business online needs to embrace a  digital marketing  strategy that helps it be seen by online users. There are five main areas of  online marketing that are of interest to a small business. Some of them are more important to local, offline businesses, while others are more effective with online businesses. Many businesses en

Small Business Tools to Ramp Up Productivity

Small Business Tools to Ramp Up Productivity ••• Share Flip Pin Email BY  ALYSSA GREGORY   Updated July 18, 2018 Small business owners are notoriously busy, often juggling multiple tasks at once, making it difficult to stay on top of everything without  unnecessary stress . Luckily, there are many digital tools out there that can help even the busiest small business owners get on top of their schedules and make the most of the time they have. This list of 101 tools covers just about every area of business where you may need a little extra support. Don't worry; you don't need all 101 tools to improve your business processes. Just start by picking one from each category that tops your list of challenges.  Project Management and Collaboration One of the ongoing goals of most small business owners is to get more done in less time. This is why the  productivity tools  below are useful for every small business owner. Evernote  - A productivity app to manag

55 Free Digital Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

55 Free Digital Marketing Tools for Small Businesses ••• Share Flip Pin Email BY DEREK MILLER   Updated July 19, 2018 Successful small businesses are known for their ability to  manage money efficiently . This includes collecting on outstanding debts, increasing sales revenue, and learning how to stretch every outgoing dollar. While owners of small businesses are comfortable budgeting and bootstrapping most areas of their company—digital marketing is one area that alludes many. In an increasingly global marketplace, small businesses are now being asked to compete with larger organizations like never before. Marketing budgets for small businesses were once a luxury, with many relying solely on repeat customers and word-of-mouth. However, small businesses that are not marketing themselves efficiently online in 2018 and beyond, will struggle to survive. Fortunately, you can increase your small business’ digital marketing efforts without breaking the ban