
Showing posts from October, 2019

20+ Highly Effective Prospecting Methods [Infographic]

20+ Highly Effective Prospecting Methods [Infographic] Written by  Aja Frost @ajavuu When you prioritize lead quality over quantity, prospecting becomes far more effective. But it also gets more complex. Instead of dialing for hours on end to fill your pipeline, you need to identify buyers with problems your product can solve, then develop creative, varied ways to connect with them. Social selling is a prime example of modern prospecting. By interacting with prospects on LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social networks, you’ll form virtual relationships that turn into real business. Industry events can also be good sources of prospects. Even if you don’t meet anyone who’s a good fit for your product, they probably know someone who is. Need more prospecting ideas? This infographic from  Gina Pennington  rounds up more than 20 options. You’ll never need to resort to cold calling again.

64 Pinterest Marketing Tips and Tactics – Infographic

64 Pinterest Marketing Tips and Tactics – Infographic   Jeff Bullas I walked into an electronics store the other day and happened to pass the television department. The 70 inch televisions with high definition flat screens were displaying videos so compelling that for a minute or two I just stood there watching images so sharp and mesmerizing that I just stopped and watched. The vibrant colors and  high contrast were almost hypnotic. It was only ten years ago and a flat screen TV half that size was $20,000. Now everyone has at least a  42 inch plasma or LCD screen and that is in the smallest room in the house! The Visual Sharing Addiction Reality television, lifestyle and cooking shows have taken food to new levels of visual and visceral appeal and taking photos of food and sharing them on Facebook or  Instagram  seems to becoming a standard activity these days. Generation X and Y would rather watch a video or an infographic in small snack size bites of information than