Freelance Writing: Writing Genres to Choose From

The Balance Small Business



Freelance Writing: Writing Genres to Choose From








Updated April 07, 2017

Freelance writers have so many writing genres to choose from. In order to make the best choice, one should have a basic understanding of what's out there. What freelance writing genres should you choose?

The word genre is most often used to classify media based on recurring patterns and components. However, within broad genres, such as “fiction” for example, you’ll find many sub-genres for which to account.

This often makes categorizing specific genres difficult.

The National Writers Union bases its organizational structure on three very broad genre groups: the book division, for both fiction and non-fiction writers, the journalism division, for magazine and newspaper writers, and the biz-tech division, for business and technology writers. In addition, they include a special caucus for those who write prose and poetry.

I’ve borrowed, but then expanded on, these broad genres in order to introduce the following overview of writing genres in which freelancers are likely to work. In addition, I’ve included book-length genres and poetry in this exploration, in keeping with the definition of “freelance.” 

Business Writing

Somewhat self-explanatory, business writing is any kind of writing assignment you take on for a business. This can mean writing for the internal players of the business itself- i.e. a newsletter for a company’s employees, or writing for the bottom line of the business, such as writing marketing brochures or PowerPoint presentations.

For more information on business writing, be sure to reference blogging, copywriting, technical writing and web writing.


 Blogging is the act of updating web content in a date-ordered posting. It differs from simple web writing in tone, formality, and features such as community-building and comments.

Companies or individuals may hire freelance bloggers to maintain their blog and facilitate community building, in addition to directly or indirectly promoting a product, person or service. Blogging as a writing genre may have some overflow into the areas of business writing, content writing, copywriting and web writing.

Content Writing

 Content writing is writing specifically for the internet. Content writing differs from blogging because it is often more static and formal, although blog posts are often referred to as “content” too. Web content comes in many forms, such as articles, columns, how-to steps, outlines, or lists. Content can be part of a website, such as when a business offers articles or pointers about its field as a portion of the site. Or, the entire website can be content-based, such as sites like or Wikipedia, in which the content itself is the final goal of the site. This genre of writing often has some overflow into business writing, blogging, copywriting, e-book writing, ghostwriting and web writing.


Copywriting is writing for promotion or marketing purposes. It is writing to sell something, but also includes indirect sales writing such as press kits, white papers, and informational brochures.

In general, copywriting aims for a reaction from the reader. This genre may be related to business writing, blogging, content writing, and web writing.

Critical Writing

Critical writing is writing in review mode. It is writing to analyze or interpret something. Examples include book reviews, movie reviews, and product reviews. Critical writing often overlaps with journalistic writing and web writing Interested in writing book reviews for pay? Read 6 Easy Steps to Paid Book Reviewing.

Essay/Non-Fiction Writing

 This genre can include memoirs and anecdotes or can be educational or persuasive in its aim. It can be book-length, or significantly less. This genre may overlap with blogging, journalistic writing, speechwriting or web writing.

Fiction Writing

Obviously a very broad category, and likely to be anywhere in length from a paragraph all the way up to an entire series, fiction writing is story writing.

Grant/proposal Writing

Traditionally under the auspices of a non-profit entity, grant or proposal writing is the act of putting together the written content of a funding proposal. Often, proposal writing goes beyond simply writing the proposal and instead delves into aspects of accounting, budget, research, interviewing and project management. Proposal writers may write entire proposal packages, proposal letters, or shorter query letters. They may also be responsible for filling out static forms.

Journalism Writing

Writing for magazines and newspapers. Journalistic writers may produce magazine content on just about anything, newspapercolumns, feature stories, or even ezine articles. Writers may overlap into essay/nonfiction writing, fiction writing or web writing.

Poetry Writing

Writing creative verse. Those who write poetry may also overlap into other creative genres.

Script Writing

Writing scripts for spoken word performance or recording. Likely to overlap into fiction writing.


Writing for spoken word in a non-performance setting for a live audience. Likely to overlap into business writing, copywriting or ghostwriting.

Technical Writing

Writing as instruction or to convey information in a specialized field. Tech writers are likely to produce white papers, instruction manuals or similar documentation.

Very likely to overlap with business writing, content writing and copywriting.

Web Writing

Similar to content writing, but may also include writing for ezines, online columns or specifically for search engine optimization. May share some traits with business writing, blogging, content writing and copywriting.

 Freelance Writing: Writing Genres to Choose From  


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