Types of Hotel

Types of Hotel

Many of you may not be aware that there are various types of Hotel. If you are going to visit or stay, then you must go through this article. Here, we are going to cite essential information regarding above mentioned topic. Generally, Hotels can be classified as per the size, location, and target markets, levels of service, facilities provided, number of rooms, ownership and affiliation and so on. And we are going to elaborate all the above mentioned in a discreet manner. Are you all set to go along with us? If yes!!! Then why should we wait? Let’s check out.

1 FOUR TYPES OF HOTEL BASED ON LOCATION: -As per location, Hotel can be classified into four types; City Centre, Resort Hotels, Floating Hotels and Boatels.

• Resort hotels: Resort are considered best if you wish to spend quality time with yourself. To put another words, they make you relax.

• Floating hotels: This kind of hotels situated on river, sea or big lakes.

• City centre: This kind of Hotels situated in the heart of the city. And you can easily catch your office, shopping malls, hospitals, and banksetc. from city centre.

• Boatels: A house boat hotels stands for boatels, which is widely known for offering luxurious accommodation to travellers during visit.

2.THREE TYPES OF HOTEL AS PER THE LENGTH OF STAY: -And they are following Transient, Residential and Semi residential depending on the stay of a guest.

• Transient Hotel: It’s also known as Five Star Hotel and their charges usually very high. They are located adjacent to the Airport. Occupants come here to stay for a day or even less.

• Residential hotels: Here, the length of stay can be extended to one month and up to a year. They come to room, bedroom and kitchen too. And charges can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.

• Semi residential hotels: These hotels provide great service with the amalgamation of both transient and residential hotels.

3. ACCORDING TO THEME:-There are four kinds of hotel; Heritage hotels, Ecotels, Boutique

hotels and Spas.

• Heritage hotel: It is known to give you a royal treatment since each room of hotel oozes with a glorious past. And the occupant is entertained by serving delicious and tradition food. Jai Mahalpalace in Jaipur is best to experience the glorious history.

• Ecotels: These are new kind of hotel and being appreciated by the occupants. They are known eco-friendly items in the room. Example: Orchid Mumbai is Asia first and most popular five star ecotel.

• Boutique hotels: This type of hotel serves you exceptional accommodation including incredible furniture and interior decoration.

• Spas: Here, you can enjoy an excellent therapeutic bath and massage. In this context, Ananda spa in Himalaya is a good example since it’s considered as the most popular Spa.

Apart from the above mentioned, Hotel can be categorized on the basis of Target Market. And as per Target Market, Hotel can be classified as Commercial Hotel, Convention Hotel, Resort Hotel, Suits Hotel and Casino Hotel. Here, we have explored the popular type of Hotel. I hope the information would be beneficial for you. Have a Happy Reading.

 Types of Hotel  


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