
Showing posts from July, 2018

50 Ideas to Get Your Online Business Started

50 Ideas to Get Your Online Business Started  Kristen Hicks 1 year ago "> 50 Online Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs Ever feel like all the good business ideas are taken? If you’ve been dragging your feet on embracing entrepreneurship because you don’t feel like you have a good enough idea to build a business on, have no fear. Running an online business is more about doing your research and putting the work in than having some great product idea that’s never been done before. As long as you can sell something people want to buy,  put together a good e-commerce website , and  do enough marketing  to attract people to your site – you can be an entrepreneur.  If you’re still stuck on the part where you figure out what to sell, we can help with that. Here’s a list of 50 online business ideas to get you past that first step of figuring out what to sell.   Physical Products You Can Sell Online "> People increasingly prefer to  purchase all the stuff they need (and

How Vehicle Wraps Rev Up Small-Business Marketing

How Vehicle Wraps Rev Up Small-Business Marketing  APRIL 10, 2013|   SIGNAGE inShare Save Savvy marketers are always looking for ways to outpace the competition—without necessarily outspending them. One proven but often overlooked tactic is vehicle wraps—adorning service, delivery, maintenance or other company vehicles with eye-catching, professionally designed graphics that brand and promote your business as drivers tool around town. High Awareness, Low Cost Unlike more costly media, vehicle wraps work for you 24/7, 365 days per year, for up to five years, making the actual amortized investment manageable for most small businesses—a few dollars per day, by some estimates. According to stats from the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), vehicle wraps offer the lowest cost-per-impression of any form of advertising. Depending on city and population size, a single vehicle wrap can generate between 30,000 and 70,000 daily impressions.  Other marketing benefits

What is Business Analysis: 3- HEPTALYSIS

What is Business Analysis: 3- HEPTALYSIS Heptalysis  refers to the method of analysing  seven factors that should be considered in the early stage of starting a business. It is mostly used in analysing of  venture capital  funding for a novel idea or product where recognizing the risk is an important factor. In this technique one  reviews a business planning with respect to the current knowledge of the potential market  and also the resources that are needed. The following factors are the subjects of the early stage analysis in this method. Market Opportunity.  Business in one word is best explained by the name of  a product, service or solution. If there is no market, even the best idea and product has no economical value. Here we list a few questions that must be answered about the potential market for a product. Who are the potential customers for this product? What is the benefit of it for the customers? Where and how it can be used? What is our advantage over

100+ Profitable Small Business Manufacturing Ideas

100+Profitable Small Business Manufacturing Ideas Next What Business Research Team 3 years ago "> Are you searching for small manufacturing business ideas that cost little to start? Throughout the world, small-scale manufacturing is considered as a profitable business for startup entrepreneurs. Some of the most lucrative industries are light engineering, paper, food processing, rubber, leather, chemical, and agrochemical industry. Apart from these household products, some construction-related products are also in high demand. In addition, there are several upcoming businesses you can consider also. These are basically, service-based, and eCommerce related. Small-scale industries   play the significant role in the GDP. And some city areas are the perfect places for small business operation. Though Delhi is the capital of our country, Mumbai is the business capital of India. Additionally, Bangalore, Gujarat, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Pune, and Chennai are considered as the busine