100+ Profitable Small Business Manufacturing Ideas

100+Profitable Small Business Manufacturing Ideas

Next What Business Research Team

3 years ago


Are you searching for small manufacturing business ideas that cost little to start? Throughout the world, small-scale manufacturing is considered as a profitable business for startup entrepreneurs. Some of the most lucrative industries are light engineering, paper, food processing, rubber, leather, chemical, and agrochemical industry.

Apart from these household products, some construction-related products are also in high demand. In addition, there are several upcoming businesses you can consider also. These are basically, service-based, and eCommerce related.

Small-scale industries play the significant role in the GDP. And some city areas are the perfect places for small business operation. Though Delhi is the capital of our country, Mumbai is the business capital of India. Additionally, Bangalore, Gujarat, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Pune, and Chennai are considered as the business hub of the country.

Here, we list down 100+ low-cost small business manufacturing ideas that you can initiate as micro, small, and medium scale basis.

 List of 100+ Profitable Small Manufacturing Business Ideas

1. Agarbatti Making

Agarbatti is a household goods having a great market potential. The burning of Agarbatti or incense in religious and social functions is a common practice in India since early times. Basically, Agarbatti is an aromatic powder or paste. People burn this as a fragrant fumigant. In addition, it has insecticidal and antiseptic properties. Read More

2. Aluminum Door Window Manufacturing

The aluminum door window manufacturing business is one of the profitable small business manufacturing opportunity in light engineering industry sector. You can start this business with small startup capital. Read More…

3. Bakery

The bakery is one of the most profitable food processing business opportunity one can initiate by having owned or rented space. Selecting the right product and proper marketing strategy are the major deciding factor in getting success in the bakery business. According to the demand and financial aspect you will need to choose the specific products for your bakery business. Read More…

4. Banana Wafer Making

Banana wafers are under-ripe bananas that are cut into slice dipped in syrup solution, dried under the sun or in the oven, fried and eaten as snack food or dessert. These can be sold both in the local and export markets. You can initiate this business on a small-scale basis. Read More…

5. Bindi Making

Bindi making is a simple process with good marketing avenues and profitability. Women population have replaced traditional kumkum with the decorative designer bindi. Bindi is a small piece of velvet cloth with the suitable adhesive. It is available in different colors, size, and pictures. Bindi making business can be initiated as a home-based with comparatively low startup capital. Bindi is a consumable product and requires both rural and urban women. Read More…

6. Bio-diesel Production

Bio-diesel production unit can be established on a small scale basis at any place where the main raw material Jatropha oil is easily available. There is a continuous search for renewable sources of fuels due to the rate of depletion of fossils. The term biofuel is used to define fuels that are obtainable from plants or animals. Being a renewable source, it is gaining attention all over the world today. Read More…

7. Biscuit Making

Any individual can start biscuit making business on a small-scale basis. Biscuit making is a conventional activity and an entrepreneur can initiate this business with low startup capital also. Despite the advent of modern, large capacity and automatic biscuit making plants, the large section of people still prefers fresh biscuits from the local bakery as they are cheap and offer many varieties. Read More…

8. Blouse Hook Making

Blouse hook is an essential item for garment and clothing industry. It used generally in women’s wear such as blouses, churidars, tops, kameezes, frocks etc. Any individual with low startup capital investment can start this venture to earn handsome money. Apart from the wholesaler and retailer every garment manufacturing company, tailor, alteration service houses are the buyer of this product. Read More…

9. Bread Production

Bread provides fiber and carbohydrates in a convenient, low-fat form that is portable and delicious. Good bread never goes out of style. Bread production industry has several diversified opportunities. Fresh quality bread is always in demand for both urban and suburban areas. Bread production process is also not complex.

10. Candle Making

Candle making business can be initiated on a small-scale and part-time basis. People lighten candle not only for religious purpose but also as the decor item. Apart from the traditional long white candle, there is also a very potential market for scented and decorative candles. Read More…

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11. Cartoon Crates Manufacturing 

Cartoons are widely used for bulk packaging. Crates are specialty packaging generally used in custom and export-oriented material. This is considered as one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas in B2B business.

12. Cashew Processing

The manufacturing activities that are involved in cashew processing are cell cooking, cutting, cashew kernel drying, peeling, grading and packing. Cashew nut processing can be initiated as small-scale and also as an export-oriented plant. Simple machinery is required. Read More…

13. Chalk Making

In developing countries still, chalk is used for writing on blackboards in schools. Apart from schools, educations, and training institutes, chalks are used by tailors, furniture makers, construction workers and by many industries. Chalks are actually round shaped sticks and it comes either as white or in colors. Read More…

14. Cheesecake Making

Ingredients required for cheesecakes production are cheese, sugar, strawberries, wheat flour, egg, maize, vegetable oil, starch, salt, preservative, color, and essence. Cheesecake is also very versatile. It works well with a wide variety of flavors ranging from lemon and chocolate to pumpkin. Cheesecake making business can be started as small scale basis.

15. Chocolate Making

The production process of chocolate may vary according to the different quality of chocolate. Also according to the availability of raw material you can decide the taste and ingredients for chocolate production. Chocolate making is one of the most profitable food processing business.

16. Coconut Milk Powder Production

Coconut milk powder has a good market potential not only in India but also in various other countries. In addition, coconut milk powder has the several advantages. These are long shelf life, fewer storage places requirement and lower cost of bulk packing. Coconut milk powder is one of the most trending small business manufacturing ideas for new entrepreneurs.

17. Coconut Oil Manufacturing

Coconut oil is used as an important cooking medium. Apart from this coconut oil has various industry applications. It is used in the manufacture of toilet soaps, laundry soaps, surface active agents and detergents, hair tonics, hair oils, cosmetics, etc. The location is one of the most important factors in starting coconut oil manufacturing. It should be nearby the area where from raw materials can be procured easily. Read More…

18. Concrete Block Manufacturing

Concrete blocks, tiles are precast solid cement concrete products. These are widely used for flooring, in pavement, wall, garden path etc. With simple machinery and locally available raw material, you can start this manufacturing business.

19. Condensed Milk Production

Sweeten condensed milk has a good market opportunity both in domestic and export sector. The only main raw material is good quality milk. condensed milk production is one of the most profitable food processing business any individual can initiate with substantial capital investment.

20. Conveyor Belt Manufacturing

Rubber conveyor belt is an essential item for every continuous production process units. The demand for rubber conveyor beltings has been steadily increasing with the rapid industrialization in the Country. These belts are commonly used for industrial purposes in thermal plants, fertilizer plants, railways, chemical plant, etc. Rubber conveyor belt manufacturing is one of the most profitable rubber business ideas. Read More…

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21. Cotton Buds Making

Cotton buds or cotton swabs making business can be initiated on small scale or large scale basis. Any individual with small start-up capital can initiate this business as the home based also. Cotton buds are short spindle with one or both ends coated with an absorbent cotton padding. Such buds have long been used for various cosmetic and personal hygiene tasks, particularly for cleaning the ear. Cotton buds design has advanced significantly. Read More…

22. Custard Powder Production

In starting custard powder production, required raw materials are cornflour, arrowroot starch, food colors, and essence. Easy availability of raw materials made this business lucrative and profitable. A small scale unit can also be established with some simple machinery. Custard powder is one of the popular food considered in the desert.

23. Dalia Production

The increasing demand for nutritional and ready to eat food has increased the market potential of dalia. Dalia manufacturing business can be initiated as small scale basis with simple machinery. The production process is simple. Dalia production does not imply major licensing issues.

24. Dal Milling

Dal milling is actually processing of different pulses. According to the availability of raw material, you can select different various products. Commonly two types of conventional processing methods are used. Such as wet milling and dry milling. Dal milling is capital intensive and energy sapping in nature.

25. Designer Lace Making

Designer lace making business can be initiated as the home-based with comparatively low startup capital. Lace is a craft material that used in textile or garment designing. In early days lace actually crafted by needles by hand. Nowadays handmade lace making is replaced by machine-made lace making. Now several machines are available to make lace through machines. The increasing demand for fashion garment has increased the demand for designer lace. Read More…

26. Designer Saree Making

Designer sarees are very popular among the female population in our country. Having the proper idea about current style and trend any individual can initiate this business as a small-scale unit. Read More…

27. Detergent Powder Manufacturing

Detergent powder consumption in India is increasing rapidly. The manufacturing process is simple and only involves the mixing process with the right formula. The detergent powder is the FMCG item. In addition, you can start the manufacturing unit as the small scale with small capital investment. Read More…

28. Drinking Straw Making

Drinking straw making business is considered as a micro-manufacturing opportunity. With a very small capital investment, the manufacturing unit can be established.

29. Diary Making

Diary making business is seasonal and can be operated on a part-time basis. The main important aspect in diary making is the diary cover. According to the desired cover, you will need to select the machinery. By installing simple machinery, you can produce diary covers. The internal part of the diary can be outsourced or you can produce of your own.

30. Energy Drink Production

Energy drink is a very popular option for nowadays to relief from stress. In addition, energy drink production is one of the most profitable and trending small business manufacturing ideas. Initiating an energy drink manufacturing business is cost intensive and requires a strong product promotion strategy.

Related: Top 10 Large Scale Industries in India 

31. Envelope Making

Paper envelopes are daily necessity items for household, educational organizations, and offices. The demand is huge and it is ever increasing. By establishing either manual or automatic machine, you can initiate this business as small-scale also. Read More…

32. Eraser Making

Rubber erasers generally made from natural rubber. Generally, a large section of people uses this product. The list includes students, artists, bookkeepers, typist, and others to correct the mistakes. Eraser making project is profitable and there is demand in domestic and export market both. Read More…

33. Exercise Book Manufacturing

Exercise book manufacturing process is simple and any individual can initiate this business with comparatively low startup capital.The demand for exercise book as an office and school stationery item is increasing. According to the demand, several different machinery is also available. Read More…

34. File Manufacturing

Files are considered as an essential educational and office stationery item. Generally, it comes with two main different types. Such as flat file with no strap and cover file with strap. With simple machinery, any individual can initiate file manufacturing business as a small-scale unit.

35. Flour Production

Flour is produced by milling food grains. different varieties types of flour are used to prepare different foods. These are Wheat flour, brown flour, whole wheat flour, wholemeal flour etc. The production process is simple. This business can be initiated on a small-scale basis with simple machinery. Read More…

36. French Fry Making

Good quality potatoes are generally used to make french fry. French fries are becoming very popular in Indian market. Apart from the domestic demand, the product has an export opportunity also. French fry making business can be initiated as the small-scale basis. Need to pay attention to packaging.

37. Fruit Bar Making

Mango, pineapple fruit bars are very popular. The unit should be initiated according to the availability of raw materials. Fruit bar making process is simple. By installing simple machinery small-scale unit can be initiated from home also. Read More…

38. Fruit Juice Production

Fruit juice is one of the ready to serve item. Another popular product is squash. These are very popular throughout the year, especially in summer. Fruit juice production business can be initiated on a small-scale basis. The product should be selected according to the availability of raw materials. Read More…

39. Gem Clip Making

Gem clip or paper clip is an essential item as education and office stationery. In addition, gem clip making process is simple. An entrepreneur with low startup capital can initiate this business as the home based also. Gem clip making business can be operated as the part-time or full-time basis. There is a huge demand of 100% stainless steel make gem clip globally. Read More…

40. Ginger Garlic Paste Processing

Ginger and Garlic Paste is mainly used as a condiment in various food preparation and also serves as a carminative and gastric stimulant in many medicine preparations. As instant mixes and spices are becoming more popular the demand for ginger garlic paste is also increasing. The production process is simple and the product has an immense market opportunity for export also. Read More…

41. Ginger Oil Production

The main application of ginger oil is confectionery beverages and baked products. India is the largest producer of ginger. Ginger oil production is one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas. In addition, you can start the business as small and medium scale basis.

42. Grape Wine Making

Grape winemaking is actually fermenting the grape juice. The major raw material required for the processing and making of grape wine is grapes. Grape winemaking is capital intensive and it requires proper operational and marketing strategy. Read More…

43. Groundnut Oil Processing

Groundnut oil production in India is financially a profitable venture with huge export potential. Initiating a groundnut oil production business requires feasibility study preparation. In addition, it demands procurement and installation of machines in the appropriate accommodation, recruitment of personnel and commercial take-off. Read More…

44. Hair Band Making

Hairband making is one of the lucrative and profitable small business manufacturing ideas. In addition, you can start this business as large scale or small scale basis. The hair bands are popular hair accessories for both girls and boys. With the up gradation and change of fashion trend, different types of fashionable colourful hair band are now very popular. Broadly hair band comes with two different material. Read More…

45. Hand Made Paper Making

Handmade papermaking is a craft idea. The manufacturing process is simple. In addition, students can use this handmade paper for project work for the school and for different craft making. Handmade paper can produce certain specialized varieties of paper, for example, watermark, filter paper and drawing sheets, etc.

46. Hing Making | Compound Asafoetida

Hing is an important item in India in culinary preparations for flavouring purpose. Pure asafoetida is generally not preferred for use in view of the high concentration. Therefore, it comes in compounded form. Hing has a good market potential not only in domestic market but also in the export market. Generally, our country imports the main raw material from Afghanistan or Iran. Read More…

47. Honey Processing

Honey processing is actually removing wax and other foreign unwanted particles from honey. You can establish the processing unit by two ways. Either by the manual system or by electrically driven. The production process is simple. In addition, you can start this business as small scale and home based basis.

48. Hospital Rubber Goods Consumable

Hospital or diagnostic rubber consumable item manufacturing project is a profitable business. And you can start the business as small scale basis. However, you will need to consider the availability of raw materials prior. It is important to select the right product. Several different pipes, bags, gloves and many other rubbers make consumable hugely used in the hospital industry.

49. Ice Block Manufacturing

Any individual can establish as ice block making business as small scale basis. Generally, ice blocks are essential for transportation and preservation of fishes. However, you must establish the unit according to the local demand for ice blocks. Because you will need to decide the production output prior.

50. Ice Cream Cone Making

You can start ice cream cone making business as the home based and small scale basis. Ice cream cones with many varieties flavors and forms. Generally, there is the demand for this product throughout the year. And it is increasing year after year. The most popular mode of serving is in cones as it is neat & clean, easy to store and there is no disposal need. With the continuous increase in the sale of ice-creams, demand for cones is increasing. Read More…

51. Ice Cream Making

Ice cream making is a wonderful small business idea that any individual can explore to make handsome money out of it. In addition, you can start this business as small scale basis with low startup capital investment. Ice cream is a frozen blend of a sweetened cream mixture and air, with added flavorings. You can use a wide variety of ingredients to produce ice cream. However, you maintain the minimum amounts of milk fat, milk solids (protein + lactose + minerals), and air in ice cream making. Read More…

52. Invitation Card Making

Having creative mind any individual can initiate invitation card making business with some simple machinery. The process is very simple and profitability is lucrative in this business. Invitation card industry is booming and demand is increasing day-by-day.

53. Iodized Salt Production

Iodized salt is a white crystalline powder salt fortified by Iodine. Generally, consumption of sufficient amount of salt fortified with Iodine helps to avoid iodine deficiency. Iodized Salt consumption is directly related to population growth. You can initiate iodized salt production as small scale basis also. Read More…

54. Jam Jelly Making

Jam jelly-making business is profitable. In addition, you can initiate the business on a small scale with low capital investment. With proper planning and strategy, even you can start the jam jelly-making business from your home.

You can also avail different Government allowances and grants. Fruit jam contains rich fruit pulp and available in mango, apple, mixed fruit, pineapple and orange flavors. Jelly is a clear and bright mixture. You can produce jelly with fruit juice, sugar and sometimes pectin. Generally, people use jelly and jam as the bread spread and as a filling for some cakes and cookies. Read More…

55. Jute Bag Making

You can initiate jute bag making business as small scale basis. The jute bag manufacturing process is not complex. Jute is a natural product. In addition, it is inexpensive and biodegradable fiber product. In starting jute bag making business, you will need to be careful about selection of the location. The main raw material is easily available throughout the country. Read More…

56. Latex Rubber Thread

Generally, hosiery industries are the major consumers of latex rubber threads. Apart from this latex rubber thread is an essential raw material for fishing baits, toys and many of medical consumables. Latex rubber thread making is one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas in the rubber industry. In addition, you can start this venture as small scale basis also.

57. Lathe Machine Unit

A lathe is a machine tool which turns the cylindrical material, touches a cutting tool to it, and cuts the material. The lathe is one of the most important tools for various several machines. You only need to know it’s operation prior.

58. Leather Bag Making

Different types of leather bags are very popular among the people. Laptop bag, handbag, wallet, ladies purse, folders are some of the top-selling product. Leather bag making process is simple and the main raw material is finished leather.

59. Lemonade Making

Lemonade is actually a lemon flavoured very popular soft drink.The principal raw materials required are sugar, citric acid, flavor & essence, food color, and sodium benzoate. However, lemonade-making is capital and management intensive business. Read More…

60. Liquid Soap Making

You can initiate liquid soap production unit as small scale basis. So many different types of liquid soaps are very popular among the people. Such as hand wash, body soap, liquid detergent, face wash etc.

61. Livestock Feed Production

Several livestock feed items having increasing demand these days. The list includes cattle feed, fish feed and poultry feed. This is one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas you can develop with moderate capital investment. Read More…

62. Meat Processing

Meat processing technology comprises the steps and procedures in the manufacture of processed meat products. All processed meat products have been in one way or another physically and/or chemically treated. Meat processing is capital intensive. In addition, you must have the proper distribution and marketing strategy before initiating the business.

63. Microbrewery

Microbreweries produce the small amount of craft beer than large-scale corporate breweries. In addition, microbreweries work independently. The market of microbreweries is immensely developing. Different licenses and permission is required in initiating microbrewery business. Read More…

64. Milling Business

Generally milling business opportunities in India involve wide manufacturing operations. According to the product and raw material you can initiate different types of mill business as small and medium scale industry. In order to enhance the competitive strength of the small scale sector, the Government of India has introduced several incentive schemes that provide a financial subsidy to the eligible enterprises. Read More…

65. Mini Paper Mill

The mini paper mill is an excellent business and one of the most profitable paper business ideas one can initiate with substantial capital investment. In initiating mini paper mill, you should be careful in selecting the location. Usually, the raw material for the paper mill is the forest goods Therefore, you must select the location of the plant nearby the place where you procure raw materials easily.

66. Naphthalene Ball Making

Generally, people extensively uses naphthalene balls as the household preservative of woolen clothes and as a deodorant tablet for the toilets, urinals, bathrooms etc. It is a consumable product. It finds extensive application in cities. General awareness is improving in cleanliness and hence this product has got the good scope for growth. Naphthalene ball making is one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas. Even one can explore the business as the part-time basis also. Read More…

67. Noodles Making

Generally, two types of noodles are popular. One is normal and other is instant. The process is quite simple. In addition, it doesn’t require much skilled labour. The boom in the food service sector including fast food chain has widened the demand potential for Noodles. Read More…

68. Nut Bolt Making

Nuts bolts making business comes under the light engineering product manufacturing. Basically, nuts and bolts are a type of industrial fasteners used in various products, machines, structures etc. Nuts and bolts consist a major link in the family of industrial fasteners. Almost every industry consumes these items. Read More…

69. Packaged Drinking Water Production

Increasing awareness of health and scarcity of getting pure drinking water have made an immense market demand for packaged drinking water. Nowadays people prefer to have packaged drinking water not only at outside but also in the house. In initiating packaged drinking water business, it is important to check the PH balance of water where you want to establish the unit. Read More…

70. Packaging Box Manufacturing

Any individual can initiate packaging box manufacturing business as small scale basis. Packaging boxes are the item that is an essential item in the packaging system. Any product requires a packaging before going to the market. The demand is huge and it is increasing. Manufacturing process is also simple. In addition, you can start the business with small capital investment. Read More…

71. Palm Oil Processing

The main raw material is palm fruits. Palm oil an important edible oil. Apart from that, there is a demand for commercial industry use. Palm oil processing is profitable and capital intensive. All type palm oil processing units  differ in the level of mechanization of each unit operation and the interconnecting materials transfer mechanisms.

72. Papad Making

Any individual can initiate papad making business as small scale and home based basis also. In addition, papad making is one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas considering the low startup capital investment. Papad is a thin wafer-like a product. Generally, people serve papad either as fried or roasted. Read More…

73. Paper Bag Making

Paper bag making is one of the most profitable paper business ideas right now. Ban on plastic carry bags creates a huge opportunity for paper bag industry. There is a huge market for all types of paper bags, shopping bags, paper gift bags, brown craft paper and customized gift bags to shopping malls, franchises of companies, and personal showrooms among others. Read More…

74. Paper Cup Making

Paper cup making business is one of the most lucrative small business manufacturing ideas in India. The paper cup is a disposable item. Generally, you can produce paper cup with paper and often lined with plastic to prevent liquid leakage or soaking through the paper. In addition, you can also use recycled paper. The recycled paper is widely available throughout the country. In an economically growing country like India, the demand for the paper cup is increasing. Thus, it is a profitable manufacturing opportunity for the entrepreneurs. Read More…

75. Pasta Making

The artificial drying process allows commercial pasta production at the industrial level. Therefore, it allows distribution and marketing. The drying process is the final main step of industrial pasta production, and it is fundamental to greatly prolong the shelf life of the product. Manufacturing process is not complex and the demand is increasing.

76. Phenyl Floor Cleaner Making

Phenyl and floor cleaners making are the profitable small business manufacturing ideas in hygienic product industry. The production process is not very complex. Additionally, you can establish a small scale unit establishment is possible with low startup capital investment. Read More…

77. Pickles Making

Pickles are the most popular item. Besides domestic market pickles have an export potential also. Pickle and chutney are the traditional food item in India. And there are several different types of pickles we can find in the country. Pickle making process is simple. And any individual can start this business from his or her home location. However, you must select the product according to the availability of the raw materials. Read More…

78. Plastic Product Manufacturing

Nowadays, small plastic products are the essential household items. Some of the popular items are plastic balls, mug, bulti, small container, drum, toys etc. With simple plastic dye machinery, you can start the business. Read More…

79. Potato Chips Making

Sliced, thin and fried potato chips are very popular ready-to-eat snacks item. Potato is one of the easily available vegetables also. In addition, potato chips making process is simple. And it involves simple machinery. You can start potato chips making business as small scale basis also.  With the ongoing growth of the population and rising urbanization, particularly among young people, packaged food such as packaged potato chips have very bright growth prospects. Read More…

80. Potato Powder Making

Potato powder is an important ingredient for a variety of food preparations like snack foods, soups, curries and other dishes as a thickening agent. The potato powder manufacturing is capital intensive. In addition, you will need to obtain FPO and Pollution Control Board permission.

81. Rice Bran oil Production

The Commerce Ministry recently allowed bulk exports of rice bran oil and removed quantitative restrictions on outbound shipments of organic edible oils. Rice bran oil is a premium edible oil. However, the oil receives limited consumption in India. Rice bran oil production is capital intensive. However, you will need to focus on export to get much better profitability.

82. Rice Mill

India is the second largest producer of paddy in the world. Rice being the staple food of majority population. The mini rice mill consists of a paddy cleaner, sheller, separator and a polisher. Mini rice mill is one of the most profitable food processing business. Read More…

83. Rubber Band Manufacturing

The rubber band is a retail and household consumable item. The largest consumer of the rubber bands in the world is the USA. The newspaper industry also uses massive quantities of rubber bands to keep the individual newspapers rolled or folded together before home delivery. The rubber band manufacturing process is very simple. In addition, any individual can initiate with small startup capital. Read More…

84. Rubber Floor Mat Making

A small-scale rubber floor mats manufacturing is a lucrative venture for the entrepreneurs. Manufacturing process is not complex. Rubber floor mats include industrial rubber mat, anti-static mat, anti-vibration mat, anti-fatigue mat, high school wrestling mats, rubber mats for use at home, entrance mats, interior mats and so on. Read More…

85. Rubber Gaskets Making

Rubber gaskets making business is one of the most profitable rubber business ideas. Several different types of gaskets generally used by the automobile industry and also by large factories. By establishing a small scale manufacturing unit, any individual can initiate this business. Read More…

86. Rubber Stamp Making

Apart from the retail location, you can start rubber stamp making business as the home-based also. Polymer rubber stamp is now very popular for official use. You can start this business with a very small startup capital. Apart from normal rubber stamp pre-inked rubber stamp also has very good market demand. Read More...

87. Rubber Toys Making

Any individual can initiate rubber toys making project with simple machinery and easily available raw materials. The production process is not complex and the product has very good demand.

88. Slipper Manufacturing

Rubber footwear making from different colourful rubber sheet is a small scale profitable business. Even, you can initiate the business at home also. Generally, the slipper is a  household consumable item. Additionally, almost every person uses this as casual wear. With the increasing population, the demand for the rubber foot ware is also increasing day-by-day. Read More…

89. Soap Manufacturing

Different types of soap used widely by rural and urban people. Commercial soap making is one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas.

90. Soya chunks Processing

You can initiate soya chunks processing as small scale basis. The major raw materials are soybean meal and peanut meal.  The soya chunks production process involves milling, mixing, extruding and cutting. This is one of the most profitable food processing business one can start with moderate capital investment.

91. Soy Sauce Production

The major raw materials, that needed for soy sauce production are soybeans, wheat, and salt. There are different types of manufacturing technologies are available to produce different types of soy sauce. You can start soy sauce production as small scale basis also.

92. Spice Powder Making

Spice grinding and packaging is one of the most profitable small business manufacturing ideas. In addition, you can start the business as small, medium and large scale. Basically, spice is an essential item and it works as a tastemaker. Apart from individual spice powder like chilly, cumin, turmeric; special quality mixed spice powder processing is more profitable. Some of the most popular items are meat masala, curry powder, chat masala etc. Read More…

93. Staple Pin Making

Staple pin making process is simple. Additionally, you can initiate the business as the home-based small-scale basis. Generally, you can produce staple pin from white galvanized iron wire. Using good quality iron wire will assure the production of good quality and long lasted staple pins. It is advisable to enhance the product reputation in the market. However, you can start the business with a small budget and low infrastructure. Read More…

94. Sugar Candy Manufacturing

Basically, sugar candy is a hard-boiled sugar confectionery. There are so many popular flavours for sugar candy like orange, pineapple, mango, mint, strawberry etc. Sugar candy manufacturing is one of the most popular food processing business idea.

95. Sunflower Oil Processing

For sunflower oil processing, the main raw material is sunflower seed. Refined sunflower oil goes through the long way of purification which consists of the following stages: mechanical cleaning, hydration, neutralization, bleaching, freezing, deodorization and nitriding. Sunflower oil processing capital intensive and profitable food processing business.

96. Tissue Paper Making

Currently, the demand for the household paper products is increasing highly. You can produce several items like tissue paper, facial tissues, paper towels with simple machinery. These are the consumable item. You can initiate the project concentrating one or two allied products. As your business grows, you can make an addition. Household paper product making is one of the most profitable and trending paper business ideas nowadays. Read more…

97. Tomato Processing

Different types of processed tomato products are very popular. And the raw material (tomato) is available throughout the year. Most popular products are tomato sauce, puree, juice, ketchup etc. In initiating tomato processing, you can also produce tomato pulp for other small scale industries. The production process is not complex. Generally, this business demands simple machinery and equipment. Read More…

98. Tutti Frutti Making

Tutti frutti is a concentrated processed food product. You can produce tutti frutti commercially from raw papaya with attractive color, sugar and preservative. Generally, different food processing industries are the major consumers of tutti frutti. Such as industries like cake, bakery bread etc. The product has also a very good retail opportunity.

99. Vinegar Manufacturing

Vinegar contains 5% acetic acid. In addition, it is a good food preservative. Compliances under the FPO and PFA Act are mandatory for vinegar manufacturing. Commercial scale vinegar manufacturing requires sound technical knowledge.

100. The welding Unit

The welding unit serves a lot of work in making iron and steel product. You can do fabrication work, rolling shutter making, window grill making and many more. Additionally, you can start this business as microscale basis and even at your home location.

101. Woodworking

Woodworking business is a very good and profitable opportunity for those individuals who are really looking for a home based manufacturing idea with small startup capital. You will find many technically upgraded machinery for woodworking. Select the right product according to the local market demand. However, you must focus on the right niche to get the success in this business.



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