Secrets to Gain 1000+ Followers on 5 Social Media Platforms

Secrets to Gain 1000+ Followers on 5 Social Media Platforms


Beth Worthy

 21st Jul

The following guide on growing a social media audience examines the steps involved in getting your first thousand fans for each of the top 5 social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram.

With each social network you must first completely fill out your profile information in order to maximize your following.


Since Facebook is the most popular social search engine, it’s the easiest to build a quick following. As with all social networks, the key to building a vibrant following is to engage with as many other people as possible.

One of the reasons for Facebook’s success is the ease of the media tools it offers for sharing videos and photos. Each thread becomes part of a bigger story that can be characterized as personalized media.

Here are the steps to building a Facebook following:

Use Invite Option

Direct followers from various networks and email

Optimize your site with multiple Facebook buttons (to improve likes)

Expand your following with Facebook advertising

Use a “like” call-to-action

Develop relationships with friends of friends through groups


The main factor that distinguishes Twitter from other social networks is its character limitation, which makes it an ideal platform for short memorable tweets.

Four different buttons are offered by Twitter to stay connected with followers: Share a link, Follow, Hashtag and Mention. The more direct way to develop followers is with the Follow button.

Here are the steps to quickly attract a following on Twitter:

Share a link to your profile page through various networks and email

Include follow links and widgets in your online content

Add a follow button to your blog or article series

Find like-minded individuals or entities to follow

Use relevant Hashtag in tweets

Join a chat like Chat Salad and interact with individuals who share similar interests

Related Post:- Localizing Tweets to Reach the Right Target Market


There are five different types of buttons offered by Pinterest: Pin It, Follow, Pin, Profile and Board.

Key Pinterest metrics include likes, repins, comments, clicks and impressions. Boosting your following can be done through the Follow button, which simply requires the user to enter the Pinterest URL and full name then click Build the Button, which generates HTML code for your website.

Follow these steps to gain 1000+ followers on Pinterest:

Share a link to your profile page through various networks and email

Make a Pinterest button available on your website and blogs

Use various buttons to maximize your reach

Pay attention to other boards used by competitors

Comment on popular pins and find new followers who agree


Unlike the more common playful social networks, LinkedIn has a more serious business tone since it is used as a business and career networking tool. It’s possible to become connected with high ranking officials through LinkedIn by knowing friends of friends. Special attention should be placed on completing your profile information, which gives you more chances of being found. Adding photos can help make the profile more attractive.

Follow these tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile:

Share a link to your profile page through various networks and email

Add LinkedIn buttons to your web pages

Encourage coworkers to join LinkedIn and complete a profile

Send and accept original connection requests

Participate in LinkedIn Groups

Use Follow Ads to target specific people connected with your industry


Sharing videos and photos through mobile internet has made Instagram a popular social network in recent years. It’s a way of making visual content easy to share across multiple social networks. Instagram was acquired by Facebook in 2012.

The most successful Instagram users tend to have a consistent theme and stay on a regular schedule and above all, avoid being boring. The choice of relevant hashtags kept to a minimum is also a factor, along with making sure photos are well shot and enhanced.

These tips will help you gain 1000+ followers on Instagram:

Connect your Instagram account with Facebook

Develop a commenting strategy

Make yourself visible by delivering “likes” to many posts

Figure out the best hashtags that are influencing your industry

Include a hashtagged feed of Instagram posts on relevant web pages

Tag and mention people that are relevant to your content

Related Post: – Social Media and Business: What is your fit? 


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