100 Blog Post Ideas

100 Blog Post Ideas


Coming up with amazing blog ideas is a never-ending process for any blogger. #amiright?! 

So, I’ve listed 100 blog ideas below that hopefully will help you with this. I broke up each idea into categories so it’s easier to follow.

Fun fact: as I was drafting this post, I came up with so many new ideas for my own blog!

So, here’s my list of 100 blog ideas!



Write posts that specifically show your readers how to do something they need help with.

How to start XYZ

How to improve at XYZ when you’re in a rut

How to solve XYZ problem

How to stop doing XYZ

How to become the best at XYZ

How to plan XYZ

How to trick yourself into doing XYZ

How to explain XYZ to your family and friends

How to do XYZ in 21 days or less


Make lists of people, places, or things in your niche.

The best books to read in your niche

10 amazing Pinterest Boards for doing XYZ

Top bloggers to follow in your niche

7 podcasts to listen to in your niche

The best places to live for your niche

4 hacks for getting XYZ results

A list of the worst myths in XYZ niche



Make checklists for your readers to follow.

10 Actions to take to accomplish XYZ right now

5 Strategies to use when XYZ seems impossible

3 Hidden ways to improve your XYZ

A step by step checklist for XYZ hacking



Write posts about who you are (compared to the other posts that are all about helping the reader do something). It’s good to show your readers who you are every now and then. Just don’t go overboard! 

Your life story

Why you blog

Behind the scenes of a typical day for you

Your top 5 successes

Your biggest failures

The mistakes you’ve learned the most from

Your morning and evening routines

How you set goals and achieve them in XYZ niche

How you started a blog

Here’s what happened when you did XYZ for 10 days

How you hacked your way into being the best at XYZ

Your 5 biggest regrets in XYZ niche

X lessons in X years (e.g.: a birthday post called “30 lessons from my first 30 years”)



Review things in your niche that your readers want to know about. If your readers know you and like you, they’ll want to read what you have to say about specific things in your niche.

Reviews of products in your niche

Reviews of books in your niche

Reviews of companies in your niche

Reviews of anything trending in your niche



Create a series for your readers to follow. This will encourage your readers to keep coming back for more.

A 12-step series showing your readers how to do XYZ during each month of the year

An every Friday series where you post about something specific every Friday (e.g.: your favorite money-saving tip of the week)

A 4 week series where you post a how-to guide broken up into 4 parts (1 part each week)

Example from my blog: Online Business Training



Write posts that are purely designed to entertain (as opposed to educate) your readers. People like to read entertaining things that make them feel good or laugh.

A funny post about something in your niche purely to make your readers laugh

Random, entertaining statistics about XYZ in your niche

A post intertwining celebrities with something in your niche (e.g. for a finance blog would be “How so-and-so blew through $10M in 1 year”)



Write posts that relate to your niche and combine life in some way. Sooo many blogs incorporate lifestyle (including me). Most people love to read a good lifestyle post.

Habits to start to be successful at XYZ

How to set goals to accomplish XYZ

Strategies to improve your happiness while you focus on XYZ

Life lessons from doing XYZ for 5 years

How to deal with failure of XYZ

How to organize ABC so XYZ is easier

Proven strategies to help you focus on XYZ

How to create more focus in your life so you can succeed at XYZ

5 Life lessons we can learn from 5 professionals in XYZ niche



Create challenges for your readers to join in on. This will encourage and increase engagement on your blog.

A 21 day challenge about XYZ

A 30 day email challenge to get XYZ results (you send a sequence of emails for 30 days in a row)

A 5 day kick-start your XYZ this [season] (e.g.: 5 Days To Kick-Start Your Summer Budget)

Example from my blog: 21 Days To A Better Budget



Write posts that teach your readers how to obtain something they want by doing it themselves at home. The more pictures or videos with DIY posts, the better. People love a good DIY post (Pinterest anyone?!).

How to create XYZ from scratch

How to make the best XYZ for your spouse

A step by step guide to making XYZ

Before and after – how I DIYed XYZ



Relate your niche to the holidays (e.g.: budgeting, getting in shape, cooking, etc.).

Holidays to write about: New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Christmas, and anything else!

Types of holiday posts: How to entertain during a holiday, what to cook during a holiday, how to budget for a holiday, how to get fit for a holiday, and how to keep your sanity during a holiday.



Write posts that are the “ultimate guide” to something. Readers love knowing what they’re getting is the best.

The ultimate guide to XYZ

The ultimate guide to becoming the best at XYZ

The ultimate guide to ditching XYZ

The ultimate guide to changing XYZ



Answer questions relating to who, what, where, when, and why in your niche.

Who should (and shouldn’t) do XYZ

What is the best way to do XYZ

What are the best tools you need to use to be good at XYZ

Where to do XYZ to get the best results

When is it the worst time to do XYZ

Why should you care about doing XYZ

Why does everyone fail at XYZ without a professional



Create posts that explain how to get started doing something in your niche.

The beginner’s guide to XYZ

10 things every beginner XYZ needs to do



Write blog posts that describe things your readers need to stop in order to be successful in your niche.

10 habits you need to stop to be successful at XYZ

5 words you need to stop saying to achieve XYZ

7 things you need to stop doing in order to become XYZ

How doing XYZ is sabotaging your chances of success



Publish posts that teach your readers how to do something at home. Anything people can do from home without disrupting their lives is always popular.

How to do XYZ from home

How to achieve XYZ results by doing XYZ from home for 10 minutes every day

How doing XYZ from home can change your life



Create blog posts that provide resources in your niche. This will help your readers know you’re on top of the latest trends and can speak to the best tools in your niche.

Top websites for doing XYZ

The 10 best resources for your getting XYZ results

Your favorite resources explained



Write blog posts that are controversial and spark discussion.

Why you’re not succeeding at XYZ when everyone else is

Why you shouldn’t listen to the common advice of XYZ

Commentary on a recent controversial article in your niche

How XYZ post from a popular site got it all wrong



Share images in the form of an infographic to explain your post. People love a good visual!

Infographic showing your readers how they can succeed at XYZ

Infographic explaining the surprising benefits of XYZ

Infographic with statistics that are surprising and unique to XYZ



Video blog posts are becoming increasingly popular with Snapchat, Facebook Live, and Instagram Stories (not to mention YouTube). Add videos to your blog in place of a traditional blog post to increase engagement in a different way.

A video introducing yourself

A video showing your readers how to do XYZ (something that is better explained through visuals than text)

A video sharing the best 10 tips for a certain category of your niche

A video discussing your biggest mistakes and how you recovered

A video demonstrating the right and wrong way to do XYZ



Interviews are a great way to show your readers results that you yourself don’t have. For example, I could interview someone on my blog who retired at age 40 because that’s not something I’ve done but is something my readers would like to read about.

How X person did XYZ in less than one year

How one couple succeeded at XYZ when no one believed they could

X’s story about going from nothing to succeeding at XYZ

Professional X gives her best tips on how to do XYZ



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