
Showing posts from April, 2018

12 Great Marketing Ideas for Your Taxi Business

12 Great Marketing Ideas for Your Taxi Business Posted on Friday, January 5th, 2018 Now is a good time to start thinking about how you’ll grow your business in 2018 once the excitement of the Christmas and New Year rush dies down. While word-of-mouth is a great way to win work and to grow your business, in a busy and competitive market, it’s often not enough to keep your business growing. To give you some idea starters for 2018, we’ve listed the most effective marketing ideas that we see smaller taxi firms using to win new customers. These ideas are… Low cost Simple to implement Proven to work You may be forgiven for thinking that successful marketing in 2018 is all social media, apps and search engines, but the good news is that there are some highly effective techniques that are much easier to implement, less expensive to set up and just as likely (maybe more likely) to work. Here are some great marketing ideas that we see working day in, day out for businesses jus

Types of Lodging Facilities

Types of Lodging Facilities Classification of hotel facilities is not based on rigid criteria. The definitions can change, depending on market forces, legal criteria, location, function, and, in some cases, personal preference, but the definitions that follow are generally accepted and are the ones intended for these classifications throughout this text. Hotels A hotel usually offers guests a full range of accommodations and services, which may include reservations, suites, public dining and banquet facilities, lounge and entertainment areas, room service, cable television, personal computers, meeting rooms, specialty shops, personal services valet, laundry, hair care, swimming pool and other recreational activities, gaming / casino operations, ground transportation to and from an airport, and concierge services. The size of the property can range from 20 to more than 2,000 rooms. Types of hotel properties Hotels Motels All - suites Limited - service hotels

Types of Hotel Room Rates – Ultimate Guide

Types of Hotel Room Rates – Ultimate Guide Determining a standard  room rate is one of the challenging and tough jobs for hotel as designated room rate must be capable of generating revenue and compensate other costs of the hotel, such as administrative costs, overhead, and utility costs. Room rate could be typically defined as the price or cost that is charged by the hotel or lodging industry for overnight lodging. Usually, the front office department and the sales and marketing department are responsible for ensuring effective room rate according to several market-sensitive aspects. The market sensitive factors basically include: Expected sale rooms. Expenses to beat market competition. Hotel operations. Tax investment opportunities. Price sensitivity. Marketing and sales endeavor. A hotel generally assigns a standard rate for each room category which is termed as the rack rate (a retail rate of guest room). Despite of its high charge; rack rate does not a

Learn About the Different Types of Newspaper Articles

FREELANCING & CONSULTING  MECHANICS OF WRITING Learn About the Different Types of Newspaper Articles ••• A Look at the Various Freelance Writing Opportunities Share Flip Pin Email BY  ALLENA TAPIA   Updated November 20, 2017 Freelancers who want to try their hand at journalism generally follow the established process of  pitching editors , much like in the magazine industry. Knowing what  kind of article  to pitch is obviously important. Here are a few of the most common types of newspaper articles. News Writing News writing  is the basic news reporting you’ll find in print. News writing explains the who, what, when, where and why of noteworthy items. The length will vary, as will the subject matter. Generally, news is covered by a staff writer as it occurs, but freelancers may be able to slant recent news into a feature article or research the news event more in-depth. There's also the possibility of a scoop – the stars align and

Freelance Writing: Writing Genres to Choose From

The Balance Small Business MenuSearch GO FREELANCING & CONSULTING  GENRES AND MARKETS Freelance Writing: Writing Genres to Choose From  ••• Share Flip Pin Email BY  ALLENA TAPIA   Updated April 07, 2017 Freelance writers have so many writing genres to choose from. In order to make the best choice, one should have a basic understanding of what's out there. What freelance writing genres should you choose? The word  genre  is most often used to classify media based on recurring patterns and components. However, within broad genres, such as “fiction” for example, you’ll find many sub-genres for which to account. This often makes categorizing specific genres difficult. The National Writers Union  bases its organizational structure on three very broad genre groups: the  book division , for both fiction and non-fiction writers, the  journalism division , for magazine and  newspaper  writers, and the  biz-tech division , for  business and technology

Types of Hotels & Rooms

Types of Hotels & Rooms Housekeeping is the primary task the hotels need to cater for while providing service to its guests. The hotel management and especially executive of housekeeping department must ensure that the housekeeping functions are performed well in the hotel irrespective of the target guest type, size of hotel, and its location. The guest rooms are the primary source of hotel revenue. There are higher chances of retaining the guests if the guest rooms are absolutely clean. Types of Hotels The hotels can be categorized depending upon their size, location, target market, and ownership. Hotel Types by Size Hotels are categorized by the number of rooms to which service is provided. For example − Below 200 rooms – Very Small Up to 200 rooms – Small 200 to 399 rooms – Medium 400 to 700 rooms – Large More than 700 rooms – Mega This category is useful if the management needs to compare different hotels within the same size. Hotel Types by Locat

Types of Online Advertising

Types of Online Advertising By  Nakku  | January 22, 2016 Search engine marketing Social media marketing Mobile advertising Email advertising Display advertising There are many types of online advertising, and the number keeps growing every year. It can be daunting, but it doesn’t take an expert to learn the basics and make some money. If you have an app, an online product, or an online service you want to monetize, you can use third-party ads to generate revenue. And if you are a merchant who wants to market your product or services, you can find countless places and ways to advertise online. The types of online advertising varies by platform, medium, and format. You can reach your customers through social media, search engines, mobile apps, and software installer programs. Your ads can take the form of videos, banners, text, or can be integrated into apps and publication platforms. With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to decide on the best approach. The Many

Types of Hotel

Types of Hotel Many of you may not be aware that there are various types of Hotel. If you are going to visit or stay, then you must go through this article. Here, we are going to cite essential information regarding above mentioned topic. Generally, Hotels can be classified as per the size, location, and target markets, levels of service, facilities provided, number of rooms, ownership and affiliation and so on. And we are going to elaborate all the above mentioned in a discreet manner. Are you all set to go along with us? If yes!!! Then why should we wait? Let’s check out. 1 FOUR TYPES OF HOTEL BASED ON LOCATION: -As per location, Hotel can be classified into four types; City Centre, Resort Hotels, Floating Hotels and Boatels. • Resort hotels: Resort are considered best if you wish to spend quality time with yourself. To put another words, they make you relax. • Floating hotels: This kind of hotels situated on river, sea or big lakes. • City centre: This kind of Hotels sit

Types of  Hotels  or classification of hotel by type

Types of  Hotels  or classification of hotel by type Hotels are classified according to the hotel size, location, target markets, levels of service , facilities provided, number of rooms , ownership and affiliation etc. 1. Size - Or number of rooms Under 200 rooms 200 to 399 rooms 400 to 700 rooms More than 700 rooms The above categories enable hotels of similar size to compare operating procedures and statistical results. 2. Target Markets Hotel targets many markets and can be classified according to the markets they attempt to attract their guests. Common type of markets include business, airport, suites, residential, resort , timeshare , casino , convention and conference hotels . Business Hotels:  These hotels are the largest group of hotel types and they primarily cater to business travellers and usually located in downtown or business districts . Although Business hotels primarily serves business travellers , many tour groups, individual tourists and small conference gr

What is Website Promotion?

What is Website Promotion? ••• Information and How-To on Website Promotion Share Flip Pin Email BY RANDY DUERMYER   Updated September 09, 2016 What is Website Promotion? Website promotion is a collection of tactics, actions and techniques that serve to drive traffic (visitors) to your website. Why is Website Promotion Important? Websites offer a multitude of benefits. For some online entrepreneurs, they are storefronts selling goods. Others earn income through advertising, sponsorships and affiliate marketing. Others are marketing tools in and of themselves, providing information about the business and how to best get in touch for services. While all these website options work, they only fulfill their purpose if people visit them. If you think of a website like a storefront, that store doesn't make money unless someone walks in and buys. If a website is like an online magazine (such as a blog), it only makes money if people visit and buy

The Importance and Benefits of Local Marketing

The Importance and Benefits of Local Marketing mail BY  LAURA LAKE   Updated January 08, 2018 A business or company that is local to a specific area is not able to compete directly with a larger competitor in another geographic location. A local company needs a targeted marketing strategy to attract a new set of customers who may not realize that there is a local specialty business in the area.  Local marketing  is a technique that is done both in person and online. You will need to determine the local  marketing strategies  that will be the most beneficial for your business. The Balance Small Business MenuSearch GO MARKETING    SMALL BUSINESS The Importance and Benefits of Local Marketing ••• Share Flip Pin Email BY  LAURA LAKE   Updated January 08, 2018 A business or company that is local to a specific area is not able to compete directly with a larger competitor in another geographic location. A local company needs a targeted marketing stra